Published abstracts
Oral presentations
Poster presentations
Conference workshops
Other articles
- Porcino AJ, Solomonian L, Zylich S, Gluvic B, Doucet C, Vohra S. Surveys of the Pediatric Training and Practice of Canadian Chiropractic and Naturopathic Doctors. Submitted for publication.
- Porcino AJ, Punja S, Chan AW, Kravitz R, Orkin A, Ravaud P, Schmid CH, Vohra S. Protocol for a systematic review of N-of-1 trial protocol guidelines and protocol reporting guidelines. Systematic Reviews. 2017; 6(1):132–6. doi: 10.1186/s13643-017-0525-4.
- Balneaves LG, Panagiotoglou D, Brazier ASA, Lamkert LK, Porcino AJ, Forbes M, Van Patten C, Truant TLO, Seely D, Stacey D. Qualitative assessment of information and decision support needs for managing menopausal symptoms after breast cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2016. Published online June 8. DOI: 10.1007/s00520-016-3296-x
- Porcino AJ, Page SA, Boon HS, & Verhoef MJ. Negotiating consent: Exploring ethical issues when therapeutic massage bodywork practitioners are trained in multiple therapies. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2014; 7(4):15–22. PMID: 24592298
- Truant TLO, Porcino AJ, Ross BC, Wong ME, & Hilario CTH. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Use in Advanced Cancer: A Systematic Review. Journal of Supportive Oncology. 2013; 11(3):105–13. PMID: 24400390
- Porcino AJ, Boon HS, Page SA, & Verhoef MJ. Exploring the Nature of Therapeutic Massage Bodywork Practice. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2013; 6(1):15–24. PMID: 23481609
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Porcino AJ, Wong ME, & Brazier ASA. The Complementary Medicine Education and Outcomes (CAMEO) Program: A foundation for patient and health professional education and decision support programs. Patient Education and Counseling. 2012; 89(3):461–66. Published online Feb 6, 2012. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2012.01.005. PMID: 22305188
- Porcino AJ, Hollenberg D, Graff TR, & Hymel GM. Changing the global health care landscape-proceedings of a "glocal" symposium. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2011; 4(4):20-32. Epub 2011 Dec 31. PMID: 22211154
- Porcino AJ, Boon HS, Page SA, & Verhoef MJ. Meaning and Challenges in the Practice of Multiple Therapeutic Massage Modalities: A Combined Methods Study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2011; 11(75): 1–11. PMID: 21929823
- Hilsden RJ, Verhoef MJ, Rasmussen H, Porcino AJ, & DeBruyn JC. Use of complementary and alternative medicine by patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 2011; 17(2): 655–62. PMID: 20848543
- Porcino AJ, Verhoef MJ. The Use of Mixed Methods for Therapeutic Massage Research.International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2010; 3(1): 15–25. PMID: 21589698
- Porcino AJ, MacDougall C. The Integrated Taxonomy of Health Care: classifying both complementary & biomedical practices using a uniform classification tool. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2009; 2(3): 1-13. PMID: 21589735
- Kania A, Porcino AJ, & Verhoef M. Value of Qualitative Research in the Study of Massage Therapy. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2008. 1(2): 6–10. PMID: 21589716.
Published Abstracts (underlined is presenter)
- Porcino AJ, Balneaves LG, Wong, E., & Wong ME. “Interim analysis of participants in the BC Cancer Agency’s Complementary Medicine Education and Outcomes (CAMEO) Program.” Abstracts from the 6th IN-CAM Research Symposium: Complementary and Integrative Health Care: Methodological, Theoretical and Practical Issues. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. 2010. 7(1), Article 44.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Wong ME, & Porcino AJ. “Complementary medicine and cancer: Bridging the gap through application of the supportive care framework.” Supportive Care in Cancer. 2010. 18(Suppl 3): S90.
- Porcino AJ, Verhoef MJ. “CAM Manual Therapy Practice in Alberta.” Research that Matters: Linking Researchers, Practitioners, decision-Makers and the Public: Abstracts from the 5th Annual IN-CAM Research Symposium November 7 to 9, 2008, Toronto, Canada. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. 2008. Vol 5: Iss. 1, Article 31.
- Porcino AJ, Verhoef, M. Alberta's CAM Manual Therapy Providers' Research Contact Preferences. "Coming of Age -- Emerging Issues and New Directions in CAM Research: Abstracts from the Fourth Annual IN-CAM Symposium November 1–2, 2007, Vancouver, Canada," Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine: Vol. 4 : Iss. 1, Article 9.
- Porcino AJ, van der Giessen, M, Choma, L, MacDougall, C, LeFaive T, Bellmore L. CAHC Classification System—A Progressive Approach. "Integrating CAM Research and Practice: A Focus on Outcome Measures - Abstracts from the 3rd Annual Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM) Symposium. November 4th & 5th, 2006, Calgary, Canada," Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine: Vol. 3: No. 1, Article 7.
Conference Paper Presentations
- Balneaves LG, Porcino AJ, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, & Ross BC. (November 2014). The CAMEO Program: Transitioning CAMEO to online delivery. Tenth Anniversary Symposium of the Canadian Interdisciplinary Network of Complementary Medicine Researchers (IN-CAM). Calgary, Canada.
- Truant TLO, Balneaves LG, Ross BC, Wong ME, Porcino AJ, & Verhoef MJ. Decision support for making complex complementary medicine (CAM) decisions: an innovative nurse-led intervention. (October 2013). Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology conference, 2013, Vancouver, BC.
- Ross BC, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Porcino AJ, & Verhoef MJ. Contextualizing complementary medicine and cancer education for oncology professionals: Lessons learned from a provincial pilot. (October 2013). Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology conference, 2013, Vancouver, BC.
- Ross BC, Balneaves LG, Porcino AJ, Truant TLO, Wong ME, & Verhoef MJ. Evaluation of a patient complementary medicine education program in a provincial cancer centre. (October 2013). Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology conference, 2013, Vancouver, BC.
- Balneaves LG, Porcino AJ, Truant TLO, Ross BC, Wong ME, & Verhoef MJ. Supporting informed decision about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): Results of the CAMEO research program at the BC Cancer Agency. (October 2013). Society of Integrative Oncology, 10th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
- Porcino AJ, Boon HS, Page SA, & Verhoef MJ. The nature of therapeutic massage bodywork practice creates a significant research-practice gap. (November, 2012). 7th Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM) Research Symposium, Toronto, ON.
- Balneaves LG, Porcino AJ, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Wong ME. (November, 2012). Utilization of a CAM information program at a provincial cancer agency. 7th Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM) Research Symposium, Toronto, ON.
- Wong ME, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Porcino AJ. (November 2012). Supporting Chinese-Speaking Cancer Patients to Make Safe and Informed Decisions around Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). 7th Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM) Research Symposium, Toronto, ON.
- Balneaves LG, Porcino AJ, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Wong ME, & Elchehimi A. (October 2012). Best of SIO: Evaluation of a Patient CAM Education Program in a Provincial Cancer Centre. Ninth Annual International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO). Albuquerque, NM, US.
- Truant TLO, Balneaves LG, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Wong ME, Hilario C, & Porcino AJ. (October, 2012). The CAMEO Program: Advocating for improved decision support interventions in the conventional cancer care setting. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) Annual Conference 2012, Ottawa, ON.
- Wong ME, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Porcino AJ. (October, 2012). Complementary medicine decision-making process in Chinese-speaking cancer patients. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) Annual Conference 2012, Ottawa, ON.
- Ross BC, Balneaves LG, Truant, T.L.O, Wong ME, Porcino AJ, Verhoef MJ, & Elchehimi A. (October, 2012). Development and evaluation of an online complementary medicine and cancer education program for oncology health care providers. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) Annual Conference 2012, Ottawa, ON.
- Porcino AJ, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Wong ME. (May 2012). Addressing the needs of patients: Complementary & Alternative Care in Cancer. Realities of Northern Oncology 2012 Conference, Prince George, BC.
- Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Wong ME, Porcino AJ, & Balneaves LG. (April 2012). The CAMEO Program: Developing innovative evidence-informed complementary medicine decision support interventions in the conventional cancer care setting. 2012 Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO), Vancouver, BC.
- Ross BC, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Wong ME, & Porcino AJ. (April 2012). Outcomes of a 1:1 decision support program for cancer patients interested in complementary medicine. 2012 Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO), Vancouver, BC.
- Wong ME, Balneaves LG, Porcino AJ, Ross BC, Truant TLO, & Verhoef MJ. (April 2012). Supporting Chinese-speaking cancer patients to make safe and informed decisions around complementary and alternative medicine. 2012 Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO), Vancouver, BC.
- Truant TLO, Balneaves LG, Ross BC, Wong ME, & Porcino AJ. (February 2012). The Complementary Medicine Education and Outcomes (CAMEO) program. 17th Annual Ethel Johns Research Forum, Vancouver, BC.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Ross BC, Wong ME, Hilario C, & Porcino AJ. (Sept, 2011). What’s the evidence? The top 10 CAM therapies used by patients with cancer. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) Annual Conference 2011, Halifax, NS.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Wong ME, & Porcino AJ. (May, 2011). Strategies for bridging the clinical practice-research gap: The experience of the CAMEO research program. 2011 Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Balneaves LG, Brazier ASA, Lambert L, Seely D, & Members of the MyChoices Research Team. (November 2010). Development of a Natural Health Product Decision Aid for Managing Menopausal Symptoms after Breast Cancer Treatment: Needs Assessment Results. Seventh Annual International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO). New York, U.S.A.
- Porcino AJ, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef, M., Ross BC, & Wong ME. (November 2010) Interim Analysis of Participants in the BC Cancer Agency’s Complementary Medicine Education and Outcomes Program. 6th Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM) Research Symposium, Vancouver, BC.
- Brazier ASA, Balneaves LG, Lambert L, Seely D, & Members of the MyChoices Research Team. (November 2010). Women with Breast Cancer’s Natural Health Product Information and Decision Support Needs Related to Managing Menopausal Symptoms. 6th Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM) Research Symposium, Vancouver, BC.
- Ross BC, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Wong ME, & Porcino AJ. (October, 2010). Measuring the Impact of Complementary Medicine Information and Decision Support. International Cancer Education Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Ross BC, Wong ME Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef, M., & Porcino AJ. (September 2010). Empowering patients, empowering ourselves: The joys and challenges of the nursing role in a living laboratory. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) Conference, Edmonton, AB.
- Balneaves, LG., Truant TLO, Ross BC, Brazier ASA, Wong ME, Verhoef MJ, & Porcino AJ. (September, 2010). Development of a 1:1 Decision Support Program for Cancer Patients Interested in Complementary Medicine". Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) Conference, Edmonton, AB.
- Wong ME, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Ross BC & Porcino AJ. (May, 2010). Supporting people to make informed decisions about the use of complementary medicine in life threatening illnesses. BC Annual Hospice and Palliative Care Conference, Surrey, BC.
- Porcino AJ, Kania A, & Verhoef MJ. (May 2010). CAM therapist perceptions and use of “evidence”. International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR): 5th International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research, Tromsø, Norway.
- Porcino AJ, Verhoef MJ, Boon HS, & Page SA. (May 2010). Research implications of the complexity of CAM manual therapy training and practice. International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR): 5th International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research, Tromsø, Norway.
- Porcino AJ, Verhoef MJ, Boon HS, & Page SA. (May 2010). Measuring and Exploring the Complexity of Manual Therapy Practice. Massage Therapy Foundation: Highlighting Massage Therapy in CIM Research. Seattle, U.S.A.
- Kania A,Porcino AJ, & Verhoef MJ. (May 2010). Exploring Massage Therapists' Perceptions of Evidence. Massage Therapy Foundation: Highlighting Massage Therapy in CIM Research. Seattle, U.S.A.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Porcino AJ, Ross BC, & Wong ME. (May, 2010). Complementary medicine decision support in the conventional cancer care setting: Application of the Supportive Care Framework. 12th World Congress of Psycho- oncology/Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO): 2010 Annual Conference, Quebec City, Canada.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Porcino AJ, Ross BC, & Wong ME. (May, 2010). Assessing the complementary and alternative medicine needs of cancer patients and health professionals at a regional cancer agency. 12th World Congress of Psycho- oncology/Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO): 2010 Annual Conference, Quebec City, Canada.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Porcino AJ, & Wong ME. (October, 2009). What do patients need to make safe and informed decisions about complementary medicine as a part of cancer treatment, survivorship and care? Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) Annual Conference 2009, Montreal, QC.
- Porcino AJ, Verhoef MJ, Boon HS, & Page SA. (July 2009). Does training matter? Creating a comprehensive picture of the scope & complexity of CAM manual therapy provision. 5th Annual Mixed Methods Conference. Harrogate, U.K.: University of Leeds.
- Porcino AJ, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, & Ross BC. (June, 2009). The CAMEO Program: meeting cancer survivors’ CAM needs throughout BC. Community Cancer Control, 7th National Summit; BC Cancer Agency Professional Education Day, Rural and Remote Cancer Control, Prince George, BC.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Porcino AJ. (April, 2009). The Complementary Medicine Education and Outcomes (CAMEO) Program: Meeting cancer survivors’ needs. Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) Annual Conference 2009, Vancouver, BC.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Porcino AJ. (April 2009). The Complementary Medicine Education and Outcomes (CAMEO) Program: Taking the Knowledge to the Bedside. 2009 NEXUS Spring Institute, Vancouver, BC.
- Porcino AJ, MacDougall, C. The Undiscovered Industry—Insurance and Complementary and Alternative Health Care. Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association: CLHIA Claims Section Annual Conference. Calgary, AB. May 2006.
Poster Presentations
- Balneaves LG, Porcino AJ, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, & Ross BC. (November 2014). The CAMEO Program: Transition to online delivery. Eleventh Annual International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO). Houston, USA. Society for Integrative Oncology.
- Balneaves LG, Porcino AJ, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Wong ME. (November, 2012). Evaluating a CAM and Cancer Education Program in a Provincial Cancer Centre. 7th Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM) Research Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
- Truant TLO, Balneaves LG, Ross BC, Wong ME & Porcino AJ. (September, 2012). Development of a one-on-one complementary medicine decision support coaching intervention for cancer patients and families. International Council of Cancer Nurses Conference, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
- Porcino AJ, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Wong ME. (November 2010). A need for change: Implications from an analysis of participants in a CAM education program. Seventh Annual International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO). New York, USA. Society for Integrative Oncology.
- Porcino AJ, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Wong ME. (November, 2010). An Interim Analysis of a Complementary Medicine Education Program at the BC Cancer Agency. BC Cancer Agency Annual Cancer Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Porcino AJ. (June, 2010). Complementary Medicine and Cancer: Bridging the Gap through Application of the Supportive Care Framework. Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) 2010 International Symposium in Vancouver, Canada.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Porcino AJ, Ross BC, & Wong ME. (May, 2010). Assessing the complementary and alternative medicine needs of cancer patients and health professionals at a regional cancer agency. International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR): 5th International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research, Tromsø, Norway.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Porcino AJ, Wong ME, & Lambert L. (November, 2009). Information and Decision Support Needs of Cancer Patients at a Provincial Cancer Agency. Sixth Annual Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) Conference, New York, USA.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Porcino AJ, & Wong ME. (October, 2009). Raising the bar: How can oncology health professionals support patients in making safe and evidence informed decisions about complementary medicine? Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) Annual Conference 2009, Montreal, Canada.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Porcino AJ, & Wong ME. (June, 2009). Supporting people to make informed decisions about complementary medicine and cancer. International Shared Decision Making Conference, Boston, USA.
- Porcino AJ, Verhoef, M. A Survey of Contact Methods for Alberta's CAM Manual Therapy Providers. Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. May 2007.
- Porcino AJ, Mah, R, Choma L, Hunter J, MacDougall C. Survey of Massage Therapy Providers Across Canada. Massage Therapy Foundation: Highlighting Massage Therapy in CAM Research. Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A., September 2005.
- Porcino AJ, Mah, R, Choma L, Hunter J, MacDougall C, Ellinger C. Developing a Tool to Measure Regulatory Impact on Massage Therapisists in Canada. Massage Therapy Foundation: Highlighting Massage Therapy in CAM Research. Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A., September 2005.
Conference workshops
- Fouladbakhsh J, Fønnebø V, Porcino AJ, Balneaves LG, Wu J, Wolf U, Boon HS. (May 2016) Global Perspectives: Moving Integrative Healthcare Knowledge into Practice and Policy. International Congress of Integrative Medicine and Health, Las Vegas, US.
- Porcino AJ. (May 2016). Single subject research designs for therapeutic massage practice. International Massage Therapy Research Conference, Seattle, WA, US.
- Porcino AJ, Boulanger KT. (May 2016). Creating capacity for critical inquiry. International Massage Therapy Research Conference, Seattle, WA, US.
- Porcino AJ, Punja S, Vohra S. (October 2015). Conducting N-of-1 Trials in Pediatric Palliative Care: A Hands-on Workshop. 2015 Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Ottawa, ON.
- Porcino AJ, Boulanger KT, & Cambron J. (April 2013). Enhancing the art of peer review. International Massage Therapy Research Conference, Boston, MA, US.
- Truant TLO, Porcino AJ, Ross BC, Wong ME, & Balneaves LG. (April 2012). Shared decision making and complementary medicine: Bridging paradigms for person-centred cancer care. 2012 Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO), Vancouver, BC.
- Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Fouladbakhsh J, Porcino AJ. (November 2011). Nov 10th. Shared Decision Making—Strategies for personalizing patient’s CAM decisions in cancer. Eighth Annual International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO). Cleveland, U.S.A.
- Kania A, Porcino AJ. (September 2008). An Introduction to Qualitative Health Research Methods for Massage Therapists. American Massage Therapy Association: A Touch of Inspiration. Phoenix, AZ, U.S.A.
- Porcino AJ. The CAHC Practitioner-Physician Waltz—Smoothing the Steps to an Integrated Clinic. Association of Complementary and Integrated Physicians: Integration: The Best Model for Health Care. Victoria, BC. May 2007.
- Porcino AJ. Theory and Concepts of Somatic Practices and Hellerwork Structural Integration. Association of Massage Therapists and Wholistic Practitioners: Annual Conference. Banff, AB. October 2001.
Published Editorials
- Porcino AJ. Not birds of a feather: Case reports, case studies, and single-subject research. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2016; 9(3): 1–2.
- Porcino AJ. Does a journal have an ethical monitoring duty? International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2016; 9(2): 1–2.
- Porcino AJ, Moraska A. Avoiding common writing mistakes that make your editors and reviewers cringe. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2015; 8(4):1–3
- Porcino AJ. Keeping up with the standards. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2015; 8(3):1–2.
- Porcino AJ. The IJTMB is endorsing the CARE Statement. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2014. 7(3): 1–2.
- Lowe W, Munk N, & Porcino AJ. Introducing IJTMB’s Trigger Points: Topical Dialogue amongst therapeutic massage & bodywork practitioners and educators. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2014. 7(2): 1–2.
- Porcino AJ. The IJTMB as a global therapeutic massage and bodywork resource. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2014. 7(1): 1–2.
- Porcino AJ. The next frontiers. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2013. 6(4): 1–2.
- Porcino AJ. Advancing the therapeutic massage research agenda(s). International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2013. 6(3): 1–2.
- Porcino AJ. Identifying conflicts of interest in therapeutic massage and bodywork research. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2013. 6(1): 1–2.
- Porcino AJ. The greater value of the CONSORT Statement Guidelines: Guideposts for designing and reporting all TMB research. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2012. 5(4): 1–2.
- Porcino AJ. Finding value in practice-context research. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2012. 5(3): 1–2.
- Porcino AJ. Valuing the IJTMB Manuscript Review Board. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. 2012. 5(2): 1–2.
Community Presentations
- Porcino AJ. (June, 2017). Using N-of-1 and other single subject research designs to bridge personalized care with research. Oncology rounds, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada (tele-linked BC-wide).
- Porcino AJ. (November, 2016). Using single subject research designs to bridge personalized care with research. Peditric Palliative Care Research Group symposium, Ottawa, Canada.
- Porcino AJ, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Ross BC, Verhoef MJ. (November, 2013). Supporting informed decisions about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): Results of the CAMEO research program at the BC Caner Agency. Psychosocial Rounds, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada (tele-linked BC-wide).
- Ross BC, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Porcino AJ, Verhoef MJ. (September, 2013). Talking to cancer patients about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Family Practice Oncology Network, Vancouver, Canada (tele-linked BC-wide).
- Porcino AJ, Meeker B, Balletto J, & Menard M. (April 2013). Roundtable on the future of massage therapy research. International Massage Therapy Research Conference, Boston, MA, USA.
- Porcino AJ, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, & Wong ME. (June 2012). CAMEO: Supporting Safe and Informed Complementary Medicine Decisions. Summer meeting of the Northern Health – BC Cancer Agency Aboriginal Cancer Care Advisory Committee. Prince George, Canada.
- Porcino AJ Olivotto I, Hammell D, Payeur N, & Macpherson N. (Panelists) (September 2010). A check-up on Cancer. The 5th Annual Lafayette Health Awareness Forum. David Lam Auditorium, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada. Public Forum.
- Porcino AJ, Hymel GA, & Balletto J. (May, 2010). First-timer’s Lunch and Learn. Massage Therapy Foundation: Highlighting Massage Therapy in CIM Research. Seattle, USA. Answered questions on research for conference first-time attendees.
- Ross BC, Wong ME, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, & Porcino AJ. (February, 2010). Talking to oncology patients about complementary medicine: An evidence-informed approach. Paper presented at BC Cancer Agency Oncology Nutrition Lunch and Learn, Vancouver, Canada (tele-linked BC-wide).
- Ross BC, Wong ME, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, & Porcino AJ. (January, 2010). Helping patients make safe and informed decisions about CAM: CAMEO and You. Paper presented at BC Cancer Agency Nursing Rounds, Vancouver, Canada (tele-linked BC-wide).
- Ross BC, Wong, ME, Balneaves LG, Truant TLO, Verhoef MJ, & Porcino AJ. (November, 2009). Talking to oncology patients about complementary medicine: An evidence-informed approach. Webinar presented at the Family Practice Oncology Network, BC-wide.
- Ross BC, Truant TLO, Balneaves LG, Verhoef MJ, & Porcino AJ. (February, 2009). Complementary medicine and colorectal cancer. Paper presented at the BC Cancer Agency’s Colorectal Cancer Forum, Vancouver, Canada.
- Truant TLO, Balneaves LG, Verhoef MJ, Ross BC, Porcino AJ, & Wong ME. (February, 2009). The Complementary Medicine Education and Outcomes Program (CAMEO): Role in
lung cancer care. Western Canadian Lung Cancer Forum, Vancouver, Canada.
Other Articles & Reports
- Porcino AJ. Alberta Massage Therapy Motor Vehicle Task Force Survey on Motor Vehicle Accident Massage Therapy Use. Research Project for the MVAI Task Force May, 2006.
- Kasur C, Porcino AJ. Information Update: MVAI Task Force. Connections. Apr/May/Jun 2006. p 33.
- Porcino AJ, MacDougall C, Mah R, Sveen C, Bagott J. An application for the regulation of Massage Therapy using a multi-category model in the province of Alberta. Edmonton: Association of Massage Therapists and Wholistic Practitioners; January, 2006
- Porcino AJ. The topic of research in CAHC [Complementary and Alterntative Health Care]. Connections, Oct/Nov/Dec 2005. pp 14–15.
- Porcino AJ. Origins, Objectives, Diagnosis & Treatment, Training, Certification, and Credentials for the 57 AMTWP-recognized Modalities: Association of Massage Therapists and Wholistic Practitioners; September, 2005.
- Porcino AJ. Modalities, From A to V. Massage Therapy Canada. Summer 2005. pp 36–37
- Porcino AJ. Highlights from the 2004 AMTWP Massage Therapist Survey. Massage Therapy Canada. Summer 2005. pp 50–52.
- Porcino AJ. Presentation on Terms [new association language]. Connections, Oct/Nov/Dec. 2005:23–5.
- Porcino AJ. What is Risk of Harm? Connections, Jul/Aug/Sep 2005. p 17.
- Porcino AJ. The Natural Health Products Directorate Practitioner Meetings. Connections, Jul/Aug/Sep 2005. p 24.
- Porcino AJ. The Scope of Manipulative Therapies for Research Consideration. CAMera Newsletter #16: May 2005. p 2-3
- Porcino AJ. Discipline and Specialization Assessment Protocol—the Therapy assessment Protocol. Connections. 2005:15.
- Porcino AJ. IN-CAM Symposium Summary. Connections, Jan/Feb/Mar 2005. pp 19–20.
- Porcino AJ. Feature Article: Canada's New Natural Health Product Directorate—Member Impacts. Connections. 2004:20–2.
- Porcino AJ. Canada's New Natural Health Product Directorate—Member Impacts. Connections, Apr/May/Jun, 2004. pp 20–22.
- MacDougall C, Porcino AJ. The Association of Massage Therapists and Wholistic Practitioners. Massage Therapy Canada. 2004:48–9.
- Porcino AJ. Book Review: The Ethics of Touch. Connections, Jan/Feb/Mar 2004. p 32.
- Porcino AJ. From the Desk of the Registrar: Choosing Education Programmes. Connections. 2003:9.
- Porcino AJ. Products and Liability Insurance. Connections. 2003:31.
- Porcino AJ. The New Position of Deputy Registrar, Research and Credentials. Connections. 2003:6.
- Porcino AJ. Book Review: The Ethics of Touch by Cherie Sohnen-Moe. Hellerwork Ink. 2003.
- Porcino AJ. Waivers. Connections. 2002:8.
- Porcino AJ. From the Desk of the Registrar: Ethics, Insurance Fraud, and Terminology. Connections. 2002:9.
- Porcino AJ. From the Desk of the Registrar: Terminology, and Liability Issues. Connection. 2002:14.
- Porcino AJ. Recognized Disciplines & Specializations—List and Terminology. Connections. 2002:8.
- Porcino AJ. From the Desk of the Registrar: Changes, Professionalizing. Connections. 2001:11.
And some travel photos to enjoy
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